One of the most important aspects of food product photography is finding the right angles to capture your subject in the most appetizing and visually appealing way. The angle you choose can greatly affect how your food looks in photographs, so it’s crucial to experiment with different angles and find what works best for each dish.
Overhead angle:
The overhead angle in food product photography is perfect for flat, symmetrical dishes like pizzas, charcuterie boards, or salads. This perspective offers a complete view of the setup, showcasing the arrangement of elements in a clean and balanced manner. Keep your props and background minimal to avoid clutter and maintain focus on the food.
45-degree angle:
One of the most versatile options, the 45-degree angle replicates how we naturally view food while sitting at a table. It’s ideal for capturing the height and layers of dishes like stacked pancakes, burgers, or desserts. Combine this angle with side lighting to focus on textures, such as melted cheese or frosting details.
Eye level:
When you want to highlight the height or layers of a dish, an eye-level shot is your best bet. This works wonders for foods like sandwiches, cakes, or cocktails with intricate garnishes. Use this angle to showcase the story of the dish, focusing on its unique selling points.
Close-up shots:
Zooming in on your subject allows you to draw attention to the intricate details. A close-up angle is great for focusing on textures, such as the crispiness of fried chicken or the smooth swirl of a sauce. Be mindful of your focus, ensuring the most visually appealing part of the dish is sharp and clear.
Experimentation is key:
Don’t limit yourself to just one angle. Experiment with different perspectives until you find the one that best showcases the dish. Move around your subject, adjusting your height and position, and take multiple shots to determine the most flattering view.
Finding the right angles requires a combination of technical skill and creative intuition. By practising these techniques, you can create visually appealing food photography that captures attention and tells a story. These skills are essential for standing out in the competitive world of food product photography.